How to post photos on instagram with white background
How to post photos on instagram with white background

Instead, you’ll need to tap the ellipsis in the top right corner of a post to pull up a menu with the option to “View Story Reshares”. You won’t find this in your Instagram Insights. But there’s one piece of data you might be missing out on: story reshares. Instagram collects a ton of great data about your post’s performance, like the number of impressions, saves, follows, and more. Table of Contents Instagram Feed Ideas 1. Instagram Stories Hacks #22: See How Many Times Your Post was Shared on Stories Using Lightroom mobile presets will help your Instagram posts look beautiful without having to spend hours editing. Luckily you can share pretty much anything on Instagram Stories, as long as it has a minimum dimensions of 1.91:1 and a maximum dimensions of 9:16.īecause most people prefer their stories to take up the whole screen (no borders), we recommend using an aspect ratio of 9:16 with a size of 1080px by 1920px. Not sure the correct Instagram Stories dimensions?

how to post photos on instagram with white background

Instagram Stories Hack #21: Use the Correct Instagram Stories Size You can change your story background, add text, stickers, music, or effects to each slide. Take a screenshot or save the image and exit out of the story.Īt this stage, you can tap and edit each individual slide. The Instagram Stories question sticker has gotten a lot of love from businesses on Instagram - the only drawback is that you can only share one question sticker answer per story.įirst, create a story where you share a response to your question sticker. Instagram Story Sticker Hacks Instagram Stories Hacks #11: Share Multiple Question Answers on a Single Story However, you’ll have to add extra elements (such as GIFs, stickers, and text) to each segment. If you have a video that is longer than 15 seconds, the whole video will split into 15-second segments.

how to post photos on instagram with white background

However, there’s still a way to share longer videos to your Instagram Stories. If you add a video to your Instagram Story, it’ll play for 15 seconds. If you add a photo to your Instagram Story, it’ll play for five seconds. Instagram Stories Hacks #10: Create Videos That Are the Perfect Instagram Story Length NOTE: This hack only works for iOS users. Now you’ve turned your shot into a Boomerang!

How to post photos on instagram with white background